Is an empty inbox a good idea?

“I am about to describe an action whose benefits are almost magical. I say magical because whenever I do it, I cannot really explain why it works so well, but it always leaves me in awe. This magical thing is emptying my inbox”.

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Steuart Snooks
3 Keys to Overcome Email Overload – Part 8: Quality of Worklife Balance

"Attention is the bedrock to learning, memory, social connection, and happiness,"

says Barbara Jackson in her book ‘Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and The Coming Dark Age’.

And yet, at many schools and businesses, a culture is developing that rewards immediacy over focus, so that attending to what's new at any given moment takes precedence over long-term goals. So, what can do you about it?

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Steuart Snooks
3 Keys to Overcome Email Overload – Part 7c: Mental health & well being

The impact of email overload extends beyond the borders of the workplace. It also impacts our mental health and well-being. Keeping up with all the new inputs we receive from a wide range of technological devices takes up a lot of our time each day. This occurs not only at work but also during our personal time; we’re communicating ourselves into a frenzy. And it’s affecting our health in several ways. The first is chronic distraction and attention deficit disorder.

The second of these impacts is Stress.

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Steuart Snooks
3 Keys to Overcome Email Overload – Part 7b: Mental health & well being

The impact of email overload extends beyond the borders of the workplace. It also impacts our mental health and well-being. Keeping up with all the new inputs we receive from a wide range of technological devices takes up a lot of our time each day. This occurs not only at work but also during our personal time; we’re communicating ourselves into a frenzy. And it’s affecting our health in several ways. The first is chronic distraction and attention deficit disorder.

The second of these impacts is Stress.

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Steuart Snooks