The impact of email overload extends beyond the borders of the workplace. It also impacts our mental health and well-being. The first of these impacts is Chronic distraction and Attention Deficit Disorder.
Read MoreLooking beyond the impact on individuals outlined in previous posts, one can also see the ‘knock on’ effect that information overload has on the many aspects of an organisation and some of its more critical processes. The fourth of these is: Ineffective Communication.
Read MoreLooking beyond the impact on individuals, one can also see the ‘knock on’ effect that information overload has on the many aspects of an organisation and some of its more critical processes. The third of these is: Workload Management.
Read MoreAfter all that we have been through, what’s that bet that the COVID vaccine will be available only in suppository form? Well that’s the innuendo (the Italian word for suppository).
Read MoreI just did a big load of pyjamas so I would have enough clean work clothes for this week.
Read MoreLooking beyond the impact of email overload on individuals, one can also see the ‘knock on’ effect it has on many aspects of an organisation and some of its more important processes. The second of these is . . .Meetings
Read MoreTo all the ladies who were praying for their husbands to spend more time with them... how are you doing?
Read MoreIt may take a village to raise a child, but I swear it’s going to take a whole vineyard to home school one.
Read MoreWith covid changing the usual face-to-face workshops, I’ve created new online programs with a variety of options to suit time restraints and budget. Which one will suit you?
Read MoreHere's an opportunity to upskill and be able to offer a unique service not currently available in Australia.
Read MoreI’m not planning adding this 2020 to my age...I didn’t even use it!
Read MoreRemember all those times when you wished the weekend would last forever? Well, wish granted. Happy now?
Read MoreLooking beyond the impact of email overload on individuals, one can also see the ‘knock on’ effect it has on many aspects of an organisation and some of its more important processes. The first of these is Manager/staff interactions.
Read MoreSomeone can tell me if the 2nd quarantine will be with the same family... or we can change?
Read MoreBuilding Business Conference 2020 presentation.
Read MoreThe spread of Covid 19 is based on two factors: 1. How dense the population is and 2. How dense the population is.
Read MoreThis is the 7th in a series of blog posts designed to help you recognise the profound and far-reaching impact email overload has in your life and to offer solutions to help you overcome the challenges it presents.
Read MoreI need to social distance myself from my fridge; I tested positive to excess weight!
Read MoreRemember when you were little and all your underwear had the days of the week on them. Those would be helpful right now.
Read MoreInformation and email overload causes poor decision-making as we:
become highly selective and ignore a large amount of information or give up and don’t go beyond the first results in many cases
need more time to reach a decision
make mistakes
have difficulties in identifying the relationship between the details and the overall context (black & white thinking – no shades of grey)