Dr Email Q&A Forum
Join my free online Q&A forum to discuss, diagnose and troubleshoot your current challenges, frustrations and problems with managing your email and workload.
Here’s an opportunity to jump online for a group chat about the issues you’re facing now and I’ll draw on my 25 years of expertise to prescribe a band-aid or a Panadol or some antibiotics or whatever you need to get some instant relief. Even if you don’t have a question yourself, you’ll be amazed at how someone else’s question is relevant for you as well.
This forum has change from 60 to 45 minutes in 2025. Feel free to jump in and out as it suits you – no need to stay for the whole time once you get the answers you need.
Live Forum Dates
Dr Email will continue as a monthly forum running on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 12.15pm to 1.00pm (AEDT Melb Aust time).
To check what time that is in your time zone click on the link below to see your dates and times in your location.
To make registration easier for everyone, we have created 1 recurring Zoom meeting for the first quarter of 2025 which means you only need to register once for January to March.
Once you register, add them to your calendar and if any of the dates do not suit your schedule or needs to be flexible, simply delete that one occurrence in your calendar, or change it to tentative so that time is flexible for others to schedule meetings with you if required.
Past Recordings Available Now
If you are interested in watching any past Dr Email forum recordings at any time, click here to see the back catalogue of forums including everything we covered during each forum.
You can pick up some create tips and tricks to help with your workplace productivity and learn more about the services I offer.
Upcoming Special Guests
I will let you know as soon as I have more special guests joining me on Dr Email.
Previous Guests
Donna joined me again for Dr Email on Wednesday 19 July 2023 to o discuss her upcoming “Excel Formulas and Functions Webinar”.
Click here to watch the recording and find out more about Donna’s programs and subscribe to her newsletter.
Wendy Cole was my special guest again on Dr Email on Tuesday 21 February 2023 where she talked about “Converting Emails to Tasks”.
Click here to watch the recording from this forum and find a link to Wendy’s program.
Tim joined me for Dr Email on 23 November 2022 to share how he, and his business partner, Daniel Sih, start the Email Ninja eLearning program, along with his 3 favourite email tips.
Click here to watch the recording from this forum and find more about about Tim.
Liz joined me for Dr Email on Wed 26 October 2022 and shared her tips on Elevating Your Effectiveness using her “The Linchpin Model” with the 5 Levels of Mastery.
Click here to watch the recording from this forum and find more about what Liz does.
Donna joined me for Dr Email on Tues 21 June 2022 and Donna shared “5 Microsoft Word Tips to Decrease Stress & Increase Your Productivity” which included (1) Tables, (2) Bullets & Numbering, (3) Section Breaks, (4) Excel into Word, and (5) Pictures.
Click here to watch the recording and find out more about Donna’s programs and subscribe to her newsletter.
Wendy Cole was my special guest on Dr Email on Tuesday 17 May 2022 and we discussed her “Better Way of Working - Online Masterclass Series: How to be more focused and productive” program.
Click here to watch the recording from this forum and find a link to Wendy’s program.
Leanne joined me on Wednesday 17 November 2021 for a great conversation about how she now writes email 4 times quicker than ever before, is able to manage two businesses from a single email address (with less reliant on her customer relationship management system) with lots of changing dates, venues, agents, speakers, follow ups, phone calls etc . . . and not lose a single thing! Click here to watch the recording of this very special episode.
Donna Hanson was my special guest on Wednesday 27 October 2021. Donna inspires audiences to increase business productivity, performance and profits with Microsoft Office programs. She shared 5 fantastic time saving tips about Excel. If you would like to watch the forum, please click here to go to the blog.
Robyn Pearce was my special guest in August 2021 and our conversation focussed on “Why multi-tasking is BAD” and we drew on Robyn’s experience for a clear perspective on the good, bad and ugly of trying to multi-task. If you would like to watch the forum, please click here to go to the blog.
When Donna McGeorge joined me in May 2020, we discussed the main theme of Donna’s book ‘The First 2 Hours’ around how to structure your workday into hour blocks to match the level of intensity and impact required. It’s the book I wished I had written! If you would like to watch the forum, please click here to go to the blog.
What Terri Says about Dr Email
Please watch this video testimonial of Terri Brennan who joins us every week on Monday evening at 5.30pm from her home in Canada in her own time to learn more about managing email.
There is also a number of written testimonials below from all the happy attendees from these free weekly forums for you to read.
I hope this encourages you to join, even if for only part of the hour to drop in and ask any questions you have about email or to learn other tips and tricks.
We hope to see you soon.
What other Participants Say about Dr Email
“I enjoyed the session as always. Obviously, there will be a tiny overlap of items you have addressed previously but that doesn’t bother me. Honestly, each time I join a session I pick up something “new” or that I missed the first time!”
““Sat in on the last one (although I missed the first half) and I feel so much more in charge since implementing some of the things I learnt””
““This has been amazing!! so much packed into the hour.””
““These sessions are amazing and very helpful.””
““Picked up heaps yet again!””
““I’m really loving these workshops””
““Always something handy to pick up/remember 😁””