Ready, set, email - how you start your day is critical.
Starting your day on the right foot is key to success. But how you handle your email could be slowing you down from the get go.
Most of the time your day as an EA gets off track by the way it begins. As Colin Boyd, an authority on influence, persuasion and productivity says, imagine your day like a 100 metre sprint. If you don’t get out of the starting block well or trip at the first hurdle, it’s very difficult to achieve your best time or win the race.
It’s the same with the way you start your workday. If you don’t start well or get distracted by the wrong thing, you’re very unlikely to end up having a good day. That’s why the first 10 to 20 minutes of your day is critical. This is when you set your day’s direction and likely outcome.
And that’s why checking email ‘first thing’ is less than ideal. Sure, it is important but . . . click here to read more