Triage Your Inbox - ‘Kick Off’ Resources Page

This page contains resources for those participating in the Triage Your Inbox online program.

‘Kick off’ Introduction Session

Tutorial - How to set up the Triage View

In this introductory 'kick off' video, Email Expert Steuart Snooks gives an overview of the Triage Your Inbox online program and the benefits you will gain from your participation.

This video shows how to set up a new Triage View of your inbox with additional columns for Next Action and Due Date fields. It only applies for Classic Outlook on a PC computer. Other versions will be demonstrated during the workshop.

The Importance of the First Touch

This article discusses the importance of the first touch when handling email and compares it with the same principle when applied to soccer. Click below to download a copy

Introductory White Paper

Click on the image below to download a copy of ‘The Timeless Solution for Managing Your Inbox’ white paper.


FAQ Section

Is the program content applicable for my version of email?

The principles covered in this program apply regardless of the email software being used - we show examples and ‘how to’ steps that apply for Classic Outlook on a desktop, NEW Outlook, Outlook online (OWA) and Gmail but not for Outlook on a Mac. We have a workaround for Mac users with separate recorded videos.

What technical preparations are needed for the program?

You’ll achieve best outcomes by using a second screen such as a second monitor used with ‘extended view’ or a separate laptop, smartphone, smartpad or very large screen with split screen - watch the webinar on the smaller screen and immediately apply your learning in your inbox on the larger one.

If you have a question yourself, feel free to reach out and let me know. Steuart Snooks | 0413 830 772 | |