The Gordon - Professional Development Presentations

These 30 minute online presentations were presented by Steuart Snooks. If you have any questions after viewing the videos below.

Mobile: 0413 830 772 | E-mail:

In this presentation, we look at the challenge of getting control of email overload and discuss 3 strategies that will allow you to customise Outlook to start your day on the most productive footing and minimise email interruptions and distractions throughout the day.

  • Calendar as default view

  • Turn off email alerts

  • When to check email

The #1 frustration when writing email is ‘getting no response, or the response is too slow’. In this session, we look at 3 strategies that will boost your chances of getting a timely response (and speed up your email writing as well).

  • Clarify your desired outcome

  • Get attention for your message

  • Engage interest

As more and more of your workload comes via email, it becomes critically important to manage the inbox in a way that allows you to keep track of everything that needs to be done. This presentation gives an overview of 3 strategies that will ‘revolutionise your inbox’.

  • The timeless solution for managing workload

  • The proven 4D Methodology

  • The ‘revolutionary’ Triage View of the inbox

If you would like to know more about the following online training programs, click here - To register for one of these 6 week programs, visit the MyHRP webpage and/or contact Suzie Kelly and/or the Employee Experience Team to book your place in one of the upcoming programs;

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Quarter 1: Wednesdays starting 17 February at 11:00am

Quarter 2: Wednesdays starting 5 May at 11:00am

Quarter 1: Thursdays starting 18 February at 11:00am

Quarter 2: Tuesdays starting 4 May at 11:00am