Revolutionise Your Inbox Resources Page
This page contains additional follow up resources for the Revolutionise Your Inbox presentation.
Recording of presentation
Click on the video below to watch a recording of the presentation by Steuart Snooks, giving an overview of the Revolutionise Your Inbox program and the Triage View and Process for managing email and workload.
Next Steps:
Following up on the presentation above, here are our suggested options for the next steps to getting control of your email and workload
Register for the Revolutionise You Inbox Online 6 week program (use coupon code ‘ryi2021’ when registering to apply 20% introductory discount) - click on BLUE image at right to go to the registration page)
Register for Triage Your Inbox program (use coupon code ‘2021tv’ when registering to apply 20% introductory discount - click on BEIGE image at right to go to the registration page)
Triage Your Inbox Program - Article and Flyer
Click images below to download a copy of the article (a first draft) and flyer which provides an overview of the content covered during the Triage Your Inbox program.