Revolutionise Your Inbox Resources Page
This page contains additional follow up resources for the Revolutionise Your Inbox presentation.
Recording of presentation to Bairnsdale Regional Health Service
Click below to watch the presentation by Steuart Snooks, giving an overview of the Revolutionise Your Inbox program and the Triage View for managing email & workload.
Triage Your Inbox Program Article
eProductivity Diagnostic Benchmarking Report for BRHS
Triage Your Inbox Program Flyer Revolutionise Your Inbox Brochure
Next Steps:
Following up on the presentation above, here are our suggested options for the next steps to getting control of your email and workload
Register for the Revolutionise You Inbox Online 6 week program (use coupon code ‘ryi2021’ when registering to apply 20% introductory discount) - click on BLUE image at right to go to the registration page)
Register for Triage Your Inbox program (use coupon code ‘2021tv’ when registering to apply 20% introductory discount - click on BEIGE image at right to go to the registration page)