10 Tips for Mastering Time Management at Work … Plus Steuart’s Top Tip


We recently found an interesting blog post called 10 Tips for Mastering Time Management at Work the I have shared below.

My top tip for time management is, to complete my Triage Your Inbox program (of course!) and you could save 115 minutes a day on email like Terri Brennan from Canada does since completing my program.

Click here to watch Terri’s testimonial.

Click here for the 10 Tips for Mastering Time Management at Work, which includes the following tips with details:

  1. Figure out how you’re currently spending your time.

  2. Create a daily schedule—and stick with it.

  3. Prioritize wisely.

  4. Group similar tasks together.

  5. Avoid the urge to multitask.

  6. Assign time limits to tasks.

  7. Build in buffers.

  8. Learn to say no.

  9. Get organized.

  10. Eliminate distractions.

Steuart Snooks