How the most productive people beat the overwhelm of email
Listen in to this lively and highly interesting interview I did with Gary Bertwistle and Darren Robertson on their Mojo Radio Show. Click here to listen.
In the weeks since the podcast, Gary has told me he’s received some terrifically positive responses from some of his listeners.
Here's what we discuss in this week's show:
When asked what he does, how does Steuart like to reply?
Is the pace of our digital life slowing at all?
If email was a movie character, who would it be and why?
What impact is this overload of email having on us and our productivity?
It seems we check email for the dopamine hit. How do we manage that addiction to checking?
80% of emails are not relevant
Understanding the terms "noise" and "signal."
What is a significant mental shift we need to make when thinking about or using email?
Steuart's process for managing emails?
What is Steuart’s filing system?
The 4 D’s of email management
Is there a way to speed up the response and reply of emails?
How we can use the Pomodoro technique and how it relates to managing email effectively?
The best leaders check their email the least. What’s their system?
Send less, receive less
Why should we consider in the timing of the delivery of our emails?
Delay delivery - the rules
If you are a master of the craft of email, then you what…?
Why does our inbox for many become a to-do list?
Biggest change Steuart has made recently in his process for managing emails?