Do you need some email 'rehab'?

“I came to this course for what I like to call 'email rehab'.

My inbox was out of control and I was paralysed by the enormity of dealing with it.

Steuart provides practical information that you can implement on the spot, and evidence that encouraged me to change some longstanding bad email and filing habits. The cumulative effect is that this course has fundamentally changed the way I, and my team, work.

There is increased clarity around who is responsible, what next action is required, and the timeframes for completing tasks. The increased efficiency has freed up so much time in our workday.

Another unexpected benefit is the ability to do 'deep work' that requires focus and concentration.

As someone who was very time poor and drowning in emails, I can't recommend this course enough.”

Ellen Piper | Outreach & Partnerships Manager

Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation                                       

19 May 2021

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Steuart Snooks