Day 4 of Clean Out Your Inbox Week

Welcome to Day 4 of the 13th International Clean Out Your Inbox Week initiative

Today’s theme is WHERE?

WHERE can we quickly file and retrieve email away from the inbox

Here are some resources to help you decide WHERE to file and store email quickly and be able to retrieve it again later.


  • Click here to read #7 of 7 Reasons to Keep the Inbox Empty: There are more appropriate places to store email messages

Radio Interview

This interview occurred a few years ago now but many of the issues are just as relevant today. Listen in by clicking the link below.

Spence Denny interviews Steuart Snooks on ABC Radio Adelaide [16 mins]

Here are the themes for this ‘Clean Out Your Inbox Week’


Day 1: Monday -WHY should we clean out the inbox

Day 2: Tuesday - WHEN we should (and should NOT) look at the inbox

Day 3: Wednesday - WHAT to do with email when checking the inbox

Day 4: Thursday - WHERE to quickly file and retrieve email away from the inbox

Day 5: Friday - HOW to pull it all together

Steuart Snooks