11 people processed 14,354 emails in just 20 minutes!
Last Thursday, 11 people processed 14,354 emails in just 20 minutes (see pic below)!
This is the second best result I've seen achieved in 10 years of one of our Taming the Email Tiger workshops. The best was with a different department in the same organisation last June!
And it was the first time the participants had ever used the 4D method - imagine how good they'll get with practice!
Now that I've developed a 4D toolbar for Outlook users, I'm sure to see more and more results like this for clients over coming weeks and months. See pic below showing how the 4 Decisions usually relate to one of 4 Actions, for which we can then set up a toolbar using Outlook's Quick Steps function.

And here's a pic of the 4D toolbar . . .

There are 10 choices in total as follows;
- Delete (or Delete permanently)
- Deal (Reply & file or Reply & delete)
- Delegate (Forward & file or Forward & delete)
- Move (to folder, existing Calendar item, new calendar item or Pending Reply folder)
Like to know more? Let's catch up for a quick chat on the phone. Easiest way to arrange this is to simply call me now or use my on-line calendar to schedule a convenient time – http://bit.ly/2luOLD2

Steuart Snooks
0413 830 772