7 Reasons to Keep the Inbox Empty - Part 7

#7: There are more appropriate places to store email messages

This is the last of the 7 Reasons to Keep Your Inbox Empty, just in time for the 8th International  Clean Out Your Inbox Week initiative next week. See the COYIW page for details of what's happening next week.

One of the biggest reasons you tend to leave message in the in-box is because you’re not sure where else you can store them. You don’t want to forget them (or lose them) so they are left in the in-box, just to be safe but also creating lots of clutter and distraction.

However, once you get your e-mail folders organised it becomes much easier to move each e-mail out of the inbox.

  • If you do need it again at some time in the future, it can be moved to an appropriate email folder (eg: Subject A, B, C or Client 1, 2, 3 or Project X, Y, Z).
  • If you have no folder for a specific e-mail, or you’re not sure which folder it should go to, or there’s not enough of this type of message to justify its own folder, you can move it to a ‘catch-all’ folder (eg: called ‘Reference’ or ‘Filing Cabinet’ or ‘Miscellaneous’). 

Woo hoo – an empty inbox!

Once you made one of the above decisions about where to relocate each e-mail, the in-box is empty again. Every e-mail is now stored in an appropriate location, rather than left to accumulate in the in-box.

Why not check out these ideas to get your e-mail folders organised so you can keep your inbox empty and get e-mail under control? 

So there you are, that’s the 7 Reasons to Keep the Inbox Empty! Get the full 7 Reasons to Keep the Inbox Empty article from the Resources webapge at any time.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this fascinating subject. Let me know what you think via; 

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Email – steuart@solutions4success.com.au 


All the best!

Steuart G. Snooks
