7 Reasons to NOT Check Email First Thing in the Morning - Exceptions, Variations and Actions Steps
Exceptions and Variations
Of course there are some occasions when checking email first thing might be appropriate. Here are a few suggestions;
If you work across time zones and need to review overnight email before you can start your work
- You’re in a customer-focused role requiring fast response
- You’re in a support or admin role requiring fast response to colleagues
- You can check email on smartphone while travelling on public transport to work
- When you’ll be away from computer for the day, a quick check in morning can give ‘peace of mind’
You can probably think of a few others to add to these.
Action steps
If you’re now convinced that NOT checking email first thing is a good idea, here are a few actions to help you escape the ‘addiction’ of checking email ‘first thing’;
Change the default view in your email software so that opens to the calendar rather than inbox view when you fire up the computer each morning
- Schedule when you will check e-mail – this helps resist to temptation to check it first thing as you already know when you will get to it
- Manage expectations to take away the unspoken pressure (from ourselves as well as others) to be available first thing
- Identify and schedule 1, 2 or 3 high priority tasks to be done before you allow yourself to check email
So that's it - the 7 Reasons to Not Check Email First Thing in the Morning and some exceptions and variations to that rule. Get the complete article by clicking here - 7 Reasons You Should NOT Check Email First Thing in the Morning
Love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this fascinating subject - feel free to add your comment.
Steuart Snooks