7 Reasons to NOT use e-mail for urgent messages

Introduction: E-mail should never be urgent  .  .  .  really!

Do you often feel you have to check e-mail on an almost constant basis, just in case something is urgent?

One thing that many people fail to recognise these days is that e-mail was never designed for ‘real time’, ‘live’ or urgent communication. E-mail was designed as an ‘asynchronous’ mode of conversation, with the delay between sending and receiving the message ranging from just a few minutes to many hours, or even days.

So while e-mail arrives nearly instantaneously most of the time these days, the reality is that you can’t truly rely on this for urgent messages. Understanding this can be very, very liberating for you, both as a sender and as a receiver.

This series of blog posts will outline the following 7 reasons to NOT use e-mail for urgent messages;

  1. Lack of background detail, richness and context

  2. E-mail can be easily misunderstood

  3. It can actually take LONGER to fully communicate your message

  4. The synchronicity of e-mail as a sender

  5. The synchronicity of e-mail as a receiver

  6. It’s the wrong ‘mode’ for urgent communication

  7. Limits your control of e-mail

Once you are liberated from the ‘tyranny of urgency’ that so often surrounds e-mail, you will discover and enjoy many other productivity and effectiveness benefits. Stay tuned to this series of blogs over coming weeks and see for yourself if it can make a difference.

Steuart Snooks