Review & Consolidate - Resources Page
Workshop Recording
In this workshop, we review all the content from the previous 5 workshops and capture feedback on how much has been implemented over the course of the program (see the colorful graphs below).
We also capture;
best things learned from the program
most liked about the presenter/presentation
what would you tell someone who was thinking about doing this program
testimonials on the impact of the program
3 Keys to Writing More Effective Outgoing Email
Here are tips sheets and one-page summaries (cheat sheets) for the 3 key strategies we discussed for writing more effective outgoing email.
Tip Sheet - What is your desired outcome?
Tip Sheet - How to write more effective subject lines
Tip Sheet - Why Inverted Pyramid Structure is best for email
Cheat Sheet - What is Your Desired Outcome
Cheat Sheet - The 3 Elements of an Effective Subject Line
Cheat Sheet - Inverted Pyramid Structure