3 Steps to Empty Your Inbox ‘Cheat Sheet’
Thanks for your interest in the Get Your Inbox Empty ‘Cheat Sheet’.
The 3 step process to empty your inbox has been successfully used by hundreds of participants in my various training workshops, seminar presentations, coaching sessions and webinars to get their in-box empty right now and then use the proven 4D Methodology to keep it that way into the future.
Click here or on image at right to download the Cheat Sheet.
It’s not always so easy to remember and put these ideas into action by yourself. That’s why you might also liek to read teh 7 Reasons to Keep Your Inbox Empty White Paper or join us for the How to Get Your Inbox Empty webinar to help you implement these steps.See options below.
7 Reasons to Keep Your Inbox Empty
This white paper unpacks 7 reasons to aim at keeping your inbox empty and under control. Since it was written, I have added an 8th reason, which comes from Gretchen Rubin’s book ‘The Happiness Project’.
“The external chaos (of an inbox being out of control) has a disproportionate impact on our inner calm.”
How to Get Your Inbox Empty webinar - FREE
Join me online for a practical, hands-on, 45-minute webinar where you'll get your Inbox empty (during the webinar), learn how to keep it that way into the future and get ideas to simplify your email folders
The webinar is free next Wednesday 16 December at 12:30pm
“I am about to describe an action whose benefits are almost magical. I say magical because whenever I do it, I cannot really explain why it works so well, but it always leaves me in awe. This magical thing is emptying my inbox”. Micheal Linenberger (from his book ‘Total Workday Control’)
Click here to read more about this phenonema of an empty inbox
“You’ll be pleased to know I’ve successfully implemented your key recommendations and have actively used them for over a month now after being at one of your presentations.
My inbox – which had built up with such things like confirmations of seminars, webinars, concert and movie tickets and rafts of mostly pointless communications since 2008 and numbered in the multi-thousands but thankfully had all been at least read - now is consistently zero each day and being managed strategically.
I have a functional folder structure which works well and I have added common actions as Quick Steps to automatically move my replied emails to appropriate action or archive folders. Thanks for your productive advice; it’s such a satisfying feeling staring at an empty Inbox.”
“You asked me to report back and I am pleased to let you know I have cleared my back log of emails (400+)! Thank you so much for your guidance, strategies and, in particular, the one-on-one training – I feel like a ton of bricks has just been lifted from my shoulders “”