Email Productivity
As a workplace and email productivity expert, I help busy professionals to get control of their email so they have more time to focus on their real work . . . without feeling they’ve missed something.
You know when you . . .
have a constant stream of new email, inputs and interruptions . . .
you’re getting too much email . . .
have an overloaded inbox . . .
handling email takes too much time out of your day . . .
you’re struggling to keep up with all the demands . . .
you worry about what you might be missing . . .
you’re not sure where to file or store e-mail . . .
you feel you’re always being reactive rather than proactive?
Well, I'll help you fix that . . . permanently!
What you’ll learn will halve the time, double your results and triple your productivity when using e-mail . . . seriously!
Here's how I can help you to Get Control of Your Email
Email Coaching for you
As a busy professional, you may struggle to find time for training and/or prefer the flexibility and a tailored learning experience that 1:1 coaching offers.
Training workshops for your team
Despite the fact that email is one of the most broadly and frequently used applications, most people never received any formal training in its use! Until now!
Speaker for your conference
Are you seeking a presentation for your next conference that is practical, relevant, memorable and will have a genuine impact on the day-to-day operations of your organisation?
The WWW of Mastering Your Email
Our experience shows that there are 3 key strategies needed to get control of email and use it in a highly productive and effective way. This White Paper explains each of these strategies.
Download a copy now and start your journey to mastering your email.
Interviews with Australia's leading Email Productivity Expert Steuart Snooks on the 3 key strategies needed to master your email
Which level of the e-Mastery model are you located at right now?
Watch this short video to learn more about the e-Mastery Model and identify which level you are at right now.
“You asked me to report back and I am pleased to let you know I have cleared my back log of emails (400+)! Thank you so much for your guidance, strategies and, in particular, the one-on-one training – I feel like a ton of bricks has just been lifted from my shoulders “”
“Taming the email tiger was definitely the best/most valuable training I have done for many years, I didn’t realise how inefficient my work with email had become, over time I guess you get into bad habits that you don’t even identify as habits? I am a very happy camper and have no complaints.”